Up to 12% of Women Experience Semen Allergies (and Here’s Why You Should Know More About Them)

Up to 12% of Women Experience Semen Allergies (and Here’s Why You Should Know More About Them)

There are the typical allergies like those to peanuts, wheat, dairy, and even strawberries. And then there are the lesser-known allergies—like semen. This affliction affects both males and females. While hypersensitivity to semen isn’t common, it’s actually not as rare as you may believe. Some experts believe that up to 12% of women are affected by the allergy.

So, what are the symptoms? Some men reported to experience things such as fatigue, rashes, and difficulty concentrating after sex. Women experienced indicators such as irritation on the vaginal region and rashes as less serious side effects of the allergy, while one of the more deadly symptoms that some women experienced is asphyxiation.

As of right now, the most popular treatment seems to be constant exposure, whether that be through sexual activity or injection.

While it may seem almost humorous to hear about someone being allergic to semen, understanding all aspects of sexual and reproductive health is a good thing for women (and for everyone).

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