Five Inspiring Autobiographies Written by Women

Five Inspiring Autobiographies Written by Women

There is nothing more powerful than being able to tell your own story.

Sharing your own story, in your own words, can have such a major impact on the lives of others — it’s why I love autobiographies.

I believe that they are a powerful form of inspiration. Not only do they give individuals a voice, but they allow them to tell and craft their own stories in a meaningful way. There are tons of inspiring autobiographies out there written by women, and here are a few that I think are must-reads!

I Am Malala

Malala Yousafzai has always used her voice to stand up for girls education. Even in extremely dangerous and difficult situations, she did not remain silent. Instead, she chose to speak up and make change. Her courage is extremely inspiring, and her autobiography gives readers the opportunity to understand her amazing story.

In Order to Live

I first heard Yeonmi Park’s story at a conference, and I was blown away. She spoke of never truly having the opportunity to experience freedom, and how difficult that was for her growing up. She escaped from North Korea at a young age and faced some major obstacles. Now, she uses her voice and her freedom to inspire others through her autobiography and speaking engagements.

Old Before My Time

Hayley Okines was born with Progeria, a condition that causes individuals to age eight times faster than the average person. At thirteen years old, Okines’ wrote this inspiring autobiography that shares her journey and gives readers the opportunity to understand her unique perspective on life.

The Diary of a Young Girl

The story of Anne Frank inspires individuals all around the world. There have been several textbooks and films that beautifully capture Frank’s story. Her writing, however, is the most powerful way to truly understand her heart and her story. Her positive spirit despite the challenges she faces continuously inspires me and I definitely think there is something everyone can learn from her.


It is always inspiring to watch someone confidently move in the direction of their dreams. Tina Fey is the perfect example of this, and her autobiography gives readers a view into her journey. When trying to achieve your goals, there will always be obstacles… it is about moving forward anyway, and working towards a future that you are proud of.

At the end of the day, there are many inspiring autobiographies out there. These are just some of my personal favorites. Personally, I know that these women have given me the strength and courage to tell my story.  Hearing from inspiring women can be a great source of inspiration.

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