A Woman Was Denied Airport Pre-Check Access Due to a ‘Menstrual Cycle-Related Issue’

A Woman Was Denied Airport Pre-Check Access Due to a ‘Menstrual Cycle-Related Issue’

We’ve all experienced the unique kind of exciting frustration that accompanies traveling by plane and slogging through long airport lines.

But luckily, we live in the modern world, where programs like the U.S. Customs and Border Control’s Global Entry Program exists—unless you’re menstruating and in need of a cannabidiol (CBD) product.

Dina Lipof, a frequent jetsetter and “pre-approved, low-risk traveler” had her program access revoked for using a CBD oil spray to alleviate menstrual cramps and migraines. She has a clean background, no reported criminal history, and just wanted to get through those dang lines a little bit faster.

According to Customs, her particular case suggests “intent to buy” because she has to purchase the particular oil brand from a medical marijuana dispensary. Her oil is made from hemp, doesn’t contain a single bit of THC, and certainly can’t get you high. After repealing the decision, she was told she did not meet the program’s requirements—despite having a recommendation and undergoing the “rigorous” background check required.

Lipof told ABC affiliate KGTV the most upsetting part of the whole debacle was that it was “a female issue” she couldn’t control—especially since those with a medical marijuana access card wouldn’t be disqualified.


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